
Here you can stay updated on all the exciting things happening at the Butterfly House.

What do butterflies eat?

A common question we often get from our visitors is, what do butterflies actually eat?

The butterfly's mouth is like a long straw, called a proboscis, which is rolled up when not in use. Because of the proboscis, butterflies' food is limited to liquid.

Butterflies use their proboscis to suck nectar from flowers. Nectar is found deep inside different types of flowers, the proboscis allows the butterfly to reach the sweet liquid. At the Butterfly House we have many flowering plants that produce plenty of nectar. We also place "food stations" plastic flowers soaked in artificial nectar that we mix together ourselves.

Some butterflies like to eat fruit, especially fully ripe and rotten fruit. Why is this so? Well, when the fruit starts to rot, it becomes softer and more liquid and thus easier for butterflies to suck in. Here at the Butterfly House we hang out fruit every day. Banana, pineapple, orange just to name a few. We cut the fruits in many places so that liquid can penetrate. It will then be easier for the butterflies to suck in the fruit juice and absorb the nutrients.

May 14, 2024

New pupae have arrived!


Today we received our weekly delivery of butterfly pupae. As you can see, we get a varied mix of different species every time. It is always exciting because we never know exactly what we will get. The moment we open the boxes is a bit like opening a Kinder Egg - full of surprises!

Picture 1 & 2 - This is what it looks like when the pupae arrive. They are in protective cotton.
Figure 3 - Some pupae are packed in small holes.

Once we have sorted the chrysalises and grouped them by species, we glue them on bars and place them in our chrysalis cabinet, also known as the BB for chrysalises. Most of the pupae from this shipment are expected to hatch within five days.

Figure 4, 5 and 6 - Here we have grouped pupae by species.
Picture 7. Here is a picture of all the different kinds of pupae we got today.

April 1, 2024

Butterfly House Website - Where Technology Meets the Tropics!

When Fjärilshuset in Stockholm decided to revamp their website, they didn't say "we need an update". No, they said "we need a revolution!" And guess what? They delivered!

A Visual Feast:Imagine a color palette so wide it would make a rainbow look pale. Navigating the pages is like wandering through a tropical garden, where each new page is a new, colorful flower.

Ease of use as a Featherlight Butterfly: Have you ever tried to catch a butterfly with your hands? Difficult, isn't it? But don't worry, on the new Butterfly House website, navigation is so easy that even your grandmother could book tickets while baking her famous cinnamon buns.

Informative without being boring: Not only is the website a feast for the eyes, it's also packed with information that would make David Attenborough green with envy. But despite this, it's not like reading a dusty old encyclopedia - it's like scrolling through a top-trending Instagram feed.

March 20, 2024