Questions and answers

Here are the most frequently asked questions

Welcome to our FAQ page. Here we have gathered all the information you need to answer your questions.

We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions to make your experience easier. You can easily browse through our answers and find what you are looking for. If you can't find the answer to your question, don't hesitate to contact us.

We are here to help you.

What are your opening hours?
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 16:00.
Can I bring a pram into the exhibition?
No, you are not allowed to bring a stroller into the exhibition as we have free-range animals inside. We would like to advise you to bring your own baby carrier and stroller lock. There is a stroller parking lot outside the entrance.

You can borrow a baby carrier and stroller lock in the shop against an ID card as a deposit.
How much does admission cost?
Adults SEK 259, pensioners SEK 198, Children (3 - 15 years) SEK 159. Children under 3 enter for free.
How much does admission cost for a school class?
If you want to visit Fjärilshuset Haga Ocean with a school class, you must first book an appointment. Send an email to or call 08-730 39 81. Once you have confirmed the booking, admission costs SEK 90 per student and teacher. Any guided tours are booked separately. You pay on site by card, Swish or by invoice (the minimum amount to pay on invoice is SEK 350). If parents are accompanying the visit, they pay the adult entrance fee of SEK 259.
Can you bring a wheelchair?
Yes, you can get around in a wheelchair. However, the floor is uneven in some places.
Do you have accessible toilets?
Yes, there is one next to the café and one by the shark tank.
Do you have a closet where I can hang my jacket?
Yes, we have an unattended wardrobe in the shop where you can take off your jacket. We don't have any safes.
Can you take a dog with you?
No, dogs are not allowed in the exhibition, café or shop. However, it is possible to have your dog on the outdoor terrace.
When are there most butterflies?
We get over 700 chrysalises every week all year round. There is therefore almost always an equal number of butterflies in the exhibition. The butterflies are most active when it is sunny and high pressure. Sometimes the butterflies fly less and then it may seem that we have fewer butterflies. Butterflies often sit still on vegetation or the ground. It is therefore good to look
around properly, eventually you will start to spot the ones that are sitting still. We also have a large chrysalis cabinet where we put all the new chrysalises that come to us. Every day there are several newly hatched butterflies sitting there.
Can you eat your own food?
You are not allowed to eat your packed lunch in the exhibition, or in the café. We do not have a canteen. You can eat packed lunches outside on our lawns.
Can I buy lunch from you?
Yes, we have a café that serves light lunches and coffee.
Can I take photos inside the exhibition?
Yes without flash for personal use. If you want to photograph for commercial purposes, please contact us for further information.
Is it warm inside the Haga Ocean Butterfly House?
Yes, it is. Inside the tropical butterfly room it is always warm and humid (about 26 C all year round).
Can you touch the butterflies?
No, they are not. The butterflies are fragile and should not be touched. They may settle on visitors' clothes. If this happens, you can poke the butterfly's legs and it will fly away.
Are there toilets in the exhibition?
Yes, there are 4 toilets in the cafe and 3 toilets in room 4 by the shark tank. Changing tables are available in the cafe. Disabled toilets are available in the cafe and at the shark tank.
Can you park your car at Fjärilshuset Haga Ocean?
There is a parking lot about 200 meters from Fjärilshuset. When you turn into Haga Norra, the parking lot is on the left. The parking is not free. Fjärilshuset Haga Ocean does not have its own parking lot.
Can I pay with American Express?
No, we do not accept American Express or Diners.
Can I pay by Swish?