Our reefs

The purpose of the reefs in Haga Ocean is to showcase a project we are undertaking to create new limestone reefs on land.

coral reef

What could be better and more environmentally friendly than using Mother Nature's own material, namely porous limestone, to create Man Made Reefs.

This type of limestone was formed a long time ago in the ocean, mainly through the ability of corals to absorb calcium and trace elements from seawater and corals form solid limestone. By putting large amounts of limestone back into the sea in a special way, we create new reefs that quickly become overgrown with algae, corals and a huge amount of biological life looking for a place to live and attach themselves.

At the same time, large numbers of shellfish and fish also move in. These are fantastic places for juveniles to live and grow. There are thousands of good reasons to create more reefs as tropical coral reefs are the most productive habitat in the world.

A curious clown fish
A shark swimming in the blue water

Besides projects and research, one of our main goals is that all people should be able to see and understand what a tropical reef is and what it can look like. Since few people dive in tropical seas, this is a way to show both children and adults what it can look like 7-8 meters down in the sea with living reefs, sharks, schooling fish, corals and algae.

At best, a visit here might get some of our visitors interested in the ocean and its inhabitants. It may even encourage some children to pursue an education in science and continue working on issues related to the environment and aquatic life.